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Terra Bait
by Yohay Alush & Avner Balachsan
The Terabit project consists of three objects designed to be placed on the home electric radiator and utilize the ability of the terracotta material to store heat and use the same heat for different purposes.
The project seeks to give a new interpretation of the use of a local cultural device that is disappearing by combining it with national material.
- Terra Cotta tray converter that allows the laying of dishes and thus preserves their heat.
- Water evaporation and perfumery.
- A seat that allows comfortable and comfortable sitting on the radiator, but also allows to pull out and place it in various places in space.
In the past the radiator was the center of the home life around him, sitting, talking, drying, eating and sleeping as a symbol of the campfire. We are coming to give a new interpretation to the hidden product from the Israeli living room. The radiator symbolizes local features and cultures of temporariness, nomadism and adaptability.
צילומי חלל רוטשילד, הביאנלה במוזא, צילום הדר סייפן 10.jpg
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new doc 2018-08-29 22.01.39_3.jpg
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